BuyerSellers May 6, 2021

How to use Real Estate for Retirement

Did you know that real estate can have a huge role to your retirement plan? Let me explain you in the next couple of steps, how this can impact and leave you in a better financial position all around. My name is Janine Sasso. I’m a local real estate agent in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and I have helped hundreds of families sell their home for top dollar. Now, how can you make sure you use your real estate beneficially in retirement? Now, here’s a couple bucks you could pay off your home as fast as can be and just less mortgage rates. And you make your tax payments on your interest payments and you’re good to go. You could also look into something called a reverse mortgage or a home equity line of credit. If you wanted to tap into your equity in other ways, for you to utilize your real estate is by refinancing. And you can either cut down the loan to 41 or you can take a longer, long term and cut your payments rather than having a lower monthly payment. Might leave you with those extra money, but all the strategies are pretty good.

How do you decide? How do you get there?

Let’s talk about this one next. First up, if you do have somebody else to talk to in terms of making a decision, maybe you want to sit down with that specific other because those financial decisions should be something that you are on the same page on something else. You also want to be aware of is your financial obligation. How is the maintenance? What about the utilities? What are your average monthly ongoing costs that you’re dealing with anyway? Because those are important for your overall monthly budget. Make sure your plan is solid. Now another thing you want to do is build a relationship with contractors and professionals. Anybody that comes in contact with your house is generally a good source for you to consider and then go for us. And one of the last things I want you to consider is location. Now, for retirement, it doesn’t always mean downsizing.

It doesn’t always mean selling the big house and moving into a condo. It depends on what it means for you. Now, what are your goals in retirement? What is it that you want to do in retirement? Do you want to go and travel a lot more than maybe you should be near a conveniently located, busier road just so you can get to the airport more frequently and you don’t have to drive. If you want to be next to a certain family member so you can see the brand grow up. What are your goals? What is it that you have as a vision for your retirement? And that should really become the guiding question for you to make a decision of what is going to be right for you. Now, if you’re wondering how is my home stacking up compared to the competition? You can go and take all week with free of charge. Do you? Do not need to ask me right off the bat. I know we probably just met, but you can go to\homescorequiz and find out how your set me up. And if you’re ready to find out how much your home is currently worth, simply go to And that one will give you an instant evaluation. And yet again, as much as I love talking to you, this much is completely done, hands off. So I go to the email inbox and you have an estimate on your home value. I hope you find this one helpful. My name Janine Sasso, and a local real estate agent in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. And I hope buyers and sellers accomplish their real estate dreams. [00:00:00][0.0]