Buyer February 25, 2021

Buying a condo? Avoid these pitfalls!

Buying a condo like a condo can be tricky enough, but I want to make sure that.
You’re not falling prey to some of the most common pitfalls maintenance means as well. I’m a local real estate agent in the.
Northwest suburbs of Chicago, and my mission is to help buyers and sellers accomplish their real estate. Goals are great. They have pretty much no outside Syria maintenance and you worry about they are getting taken care of by the management company. But one of the things you want to look out for is make sure you purchase the condo with a strong resale value. And I want to give you a couple tips on this one. I suggest that you look back a few years and see how the market time for that particular building that we’re considering have been. Generally speaking, the shorter the time in the market where people are trying to sell the condo, the better it is for resale value. Another thing to look out for is the budget. Sometimes unexpected expenses can come up with a building and it’s really reassuring knowing that they have enough funds to have a unless one would go hand in hand is also the fact that some real low information for you might be a little bit of a reason for something. Having a lot of money is definitely great on your monthly payment initially, but it’s the reserve. And then there’s not only handling ongoing maintenance but also building upkeep budget. You might be thinking education is.

Not run really well. Building out this budget needs to be part of a great appropriations plan in order to avoid any.

Surprises for special assessments on the order. Which what do you that is responsible for paying down that will ensure that we’re not just looking to get the so we can see in your county also if you are looking at condo building, make sure that it has what is located in an area with a strong employment base. You want to make sure that you find them willing to do a lot more go to work at because time is so convenient. This is a great way for you to make sure your retail value is high. Another thing to consider what condo building? How many renters are in there? I have nothing against renters and it doesn’t make a difference to me if somebody wants to rent a right. But I want to point that out to you, because having a high amount of renters in a building might to that if you drive by or even yourself to get a certain load the biggest contractor. So I think alone if there’s too many renters in the building, the other within very reasonable lending would mean that you wouldn’t be able to find the building or the retail value in the future by allowing us to look at all the buildings. So make sure that you are fully aware of that. So those are just a few of the pleasures I have for you. So when you’re looking to purchase a condo, it’s typically you will not be talking. Well, I hope you found this super duper helpful. And if you’re looking for condos that have not yet come to market, but they are available for purchase, I have just a way for you to find out. We have a way to find out what properties are coming on the market before that, even on the market, this is the inside way to know what is going to be available. So if you are seeing that people are not getting the home that they want on the open market or it no more often we believe in making home us. We want to help you get the good work ahead of time

So you are ahead of the competition and you can find your time home right here in.

The link below with it.\secrethomes and I cannot wait to help you find your home. My name is Janine Sasso and the local real estate agent for Chicago. And I cannot wait.

To help you