Sellers March 4, 2021

Let your home equity pay off your mortgage

You’re hurt. What do you hate about your remaining mortgage? About raising, right? Possible for sure. Now, before we dove into all the stuff about a reverse mortgage, I want to talk to you about some of the requirements. You do need to be 62 years of age. So if you’re not, consider yourself a spring chicken. And if you do, you want to listen closely because I have some interesting information coming your way. My name is Janine Sasso. I’m a local real estate agent in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and I help my buyers and sellers consistently get an amazing deal for their transactions. So, first of all, let me ask you, why do you think people consider reverse mortgages and the others really simple? It is a great way for you to get extra income back into your bank account. If you’re not meaning to spend money on the mortgage debt, extra money that you can allocate in different ways and have more equity work for you. Now what can you do? Reverse mortgage? As mentioned, you do have to be 62 years of age at the moment. Now, what I want you to be able to do in your factor and interest and there’s a couple of other criteria will be current and one of the other ones, but the local lender that you are going to work with is going to go over those with you. Oh, and of course, you need to have enough equity in your home as well. Now, another thing that you want to consider with the mortgages is the fact that the payout can happen in a couple of different ways.

When you take a reverse mortgage, you could then ask for a boatload of money, right? One lump sum. You can also get monthly payments or you could have a paid out in certain installments. Couple of different ways and it becomes a lot longer. Now what happens.

If the owner of the home or the system becomes the reverse mortgage is no longer a winner? Now, when.

It comes to the air, we have to talk about them because they are part of a package deal, in my opinion. You have the option to pay off the reverse mortgage and keep the house. Or are you going to be selling the house? The reverse mortgage gets paid off and any remaining properties can split. So a couple of things that can happen that definitely help you decide how you want your equity portfolio. Some drawbacks to come through your equity in the home. If I would be going back up and school for private mortgage insurance, an extra fee imposed by a lender based on the fact that you are increasing the risk of them willing to pay for the home if you are worth more to keep the value of the market rate done better, providing them that same charge. Private mortgage insurance, which is an extra fee.

Nobody like it would be, but that’s kind of one of the trade offs that comes with it. Now, no matter how you decide on this reverse mortgage, it is something that might work. Really well for you.

Maybe something that’s not. It’s really important to you that educate yourself on any concerns. Okay. This is something that if you need to sit down with somebody else or a financial analyst and.

Make sure you have.

All the details. Again, my name is Janine Sasso. I’m a local real estate agent in the northern suburbs of Chicago. And if you’re wondering how much your home is currently worth you can simply go to and you can get your home value info delivered to you with the program button wherever you want to. Talk to me right off the bat. I hope you have a fabulous day.