Buyer March 25, 2021

Can you use a VA loan more than once?

Previously, Via home was va loan. Now, if you are a service member, a veteran, the spouse of a veteran, you actually have an incredible loan program at your disposal of a Va loan with zero percent down as no credit score requirement. I’m pretty amazing right now. One of the things that I wanted to share with you a little bit screen, so you see.

A couple of them. Kevin was one of my daughters, is working from home.

With 0% down a 20 $ 500, $500 back and clothing.

Kelsey, my client Kelsey,bought a home for over $15000. Absolutely amazing stories that I get to witness the details of a great program and, VA Loan.

And now we can offer you a bid for second home. So that’s what we’re going to talk about in the video. My name is Janine Sasso I’m a local real estate in the northwest suburb of chicago, and I’ve help many, many will say many, many military clients that are coming for me to the Arlington Heights home in Illinois. And I hope I get the house with you. But yes, the military moving. It’s probably not new to do all right for you. I know you’re a great sometime.

So if you are not into renting and part of your cup of tea, let me introduce you to a new ground breaking thing that the VA has rolled out for you. Now,VA Loan can be used to purchase a second home. And this is amazing because if you are relocating to another area and you already own a home in about a now, what you can do is you can purchase a second home on me before you need to figure out what to do with that one. You could also use that V.A. loan if for example you have a growing family. Now, if you are in a for the first time, a large amount. But it was, by the way.

You can certainly use this second loan and get it. I’m finding more and more like a similar area. I guess you would know. I’m not entirely sure on all of them. And I might be a lender, but I definitely want you to consider this one when you are in that situation. If you’re not hearing, you have probably a loan. If you’re looking to buy another one, this might be great. And here’s the thing. They can be flexible. Think about starting a rental income thing. That’s not going to work. So hopefully for couple, if you have any other questions regarding opening your, you can always use it as a go. My name is Janine Sasso. I’m a local real estate agent for the Arlington Heights. And I hope you have a date and let me know.And you will.